Nightshift Blend Coffee - Dark French Roast -Whole Bean & Ground

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This is a blend that was my "National Sale's Manager" Ron's personal project.  It is roasted for all of our Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Medics and EMT's, Radio Room Dispatchers, Corrections Crew, Doctors, Nurses, all of our hospital staff members, the men and women who keep our factories cranking and all of our Utility Crews who keep our utilities up and running so that we can all live our beautiful lives.  All while working the Nightshift, Overnights, Graveyard, 2nd and 3rd Shifts... whatever you call it.... this coffee is for you and your coworkers.  It will keep your blood flowing, your eyes open and safe.  Its bolder then the House Blend, it has a bit more kick.  It is modeled after the rich French Blends found overseas that many of our GI's found so damn good when they were saving the World in WWI and WWII!!

This blend is available now, the label design is mind least in my mind.  The artist nailed this label and all the quirks I wanted on the label.  This coffee is here and it will keep you going through the late Nightshift!!